To make cotton candy, you need a special machine. It was invented more than 120 years ago. The device has a metal cup with tiny holes. This cup sits in the center of a large metal bowl. You fill the cup with grains of sugar and turn on the machine. A heating element warms the sugar until it melts. “It goes through a change in its state of matter, from a solid state to a liquid state,” says Tami Lasseter, a chemistry professor at Portland State University. “Chemists call this a phase change.”
Next, the cup begins to spin really fast. It spins the liquid sugar inside. This circular motion pushes the hot liquid out through the cup’s holes. The liquid sugar sprays out in thin streams. When it touches the surrounding air, it cools instantly. The sugar changes into thousands of solid, thin strands. The fine threads collect in the machine’s bowl. Then you turn a paper cone or stick through the sugar strands. When you have a huge puff, it’s ready to serve to kids waiting for a treat!