PAGES 20-22


Lexile 1210L / 860L


NGSS: Practice: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information · Crosscutting Concept: Stability and Change · Core Idea: LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans

CCSS: Reading Informational Text: 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text.

TEKS: 6.12E, 7.11C, 8.11A, B.12A, E.4A

EARTH SCIENCE: Natural Resources // BIOLOGY: Plants

Lesson: Harvesting a Feast

Objective: Obtain and communicate information about the importance of Indigenous foods over time.

Lesson Plan


Ask students to share a special meal they remember, such as for a celebration or holiday. Ask: Do any of these dishes have a cultural significance to your family or are any based on traditions handed down through generations? Discuss the foods’ importance and students’ memories and feelings.


Have students list the ingredients in the meal they shared in Step 1. As a class, discuss where students think the ingredients originated. Distribute the “Native Foods” map activity. Have students share observations about the map and connect back to their special meals. Ask: Are there any foods they associate with cuisines found outside the Americas? How do they think Native American foods became part of these other cultures? Prompt students to think about how the foods people eat change over time.


Watch the video “The Sioux Chef.” Ask: Which foods did you recognize in the video? Which foods were unfamiliar? Have students examine the article’s images and discuss the foods shown. Then read the article aloud as students follow along. Ask for volunteers to share the most important ideas from the article. Have students complete the article’s “Check for Understanding” and discuss their responses.


Share the “Serving Up Sunflowers” skills sheet with students. When everyone has finished, discuss their responses. Connect what they learned to how Native Americans’ diets changed after Europeans introduced new foods and after Indigenous people were forced to relocate. Discuss the effects of eating highly processed foods, such as white flours or canned foods, on people’s health.


Have students complete the “Describe and Draw” graphic organizer. Arrange the class into small groups so students can work together. Then have students complete the first Learning Journey (available at the end of the online scrollable article) in their groups. Encourage them to discuss why it is beneficial to learn from and about other cultures.

⇨ SEL: This lesson plan contains social-emotional learning support related to self and social awareness.

⇨ VIDEO EXTRA: Watch a video about cooking Native American foods.

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