Building a Better World


This past October, LEGO® released a new instruction booklet—but it doesn’t contain directions for how to build with the company’s iconic plastic bricks. Instead, the booklet, titled “Building Instructions for a Better World,” contains ideas to tackle climate change.


LEGO Building Instructions for a Better World

1. Reduce pollution and waste.

2. Protect nature.

3. Change laws.

4. Stop ignoring the problem: do more.

5. Educate people.

6. Reduce emissions.

7. Cooperate internationally.

8. Leaders, change your own behavior.

9. Invest in the environment.

10. Help people and future generations.

LEGO spoke with more than 6,000 kids and teens around the globe to learn what they wanted world leaders to do to take better care of the planet. Suggestions included reducing emissions and investing in environmental protections. “Children and teens understand that the world is a beautiful place and worth protecting,” says Diana Bernstein, a climate scientist at the University of Southern Mississippi. “Adults can learn a lot by listening to them.”

Skills Sheets (2)
Skills Sheets (2)
Lesson Plan (1)