This June, a youth-led climate lawsuit will go to trial for the first time in the United States. Sixteen young people ages 5 to 21 are suing the state of Montana. They claim the state is violating their constitutional rights, including the right to “a clean and healthful environment,” by promoting fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, which cause climate change. The kids are represented by lawyers from Our Children’s Trust. (Read about another youth-led climate case from this law firm in Science World’s September 18, 2017 issue.)

The current case, Held v. State of Montana, is named for Rikki Held, the only member of the group who was over the age of 18 when the lawsuit was filed. Held, now 21, says that her family’s cattle ranching business is being harmed by increasing drought, wildfires, and extreme temperatures brought on by climate change. She hopes the trial will convince the state to phase out fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy, like solar and wind. “We can’t keep passing this on to future generations,” Held says. “Montana’s laws need to change.”